Nip The Nips

About us

Across the Globe, We Are United in Our Dedication to nature

History of nips

Most people are familiar with nip bottles in the USA. They are miniature bottles, usually 50ml, containing an alcoholic beverage. In Scotland and the USA’s northeastern parts, these miniature bottles are often referred to as nips or shooters. Nips originated as tasters during the 1800s; the slang or the term nip originated from the Low German term nipperkin (Taylor, 2019). This term was not as common then as it is today; it was probably used until 1776, when it began spreading to other parts of the globe. Nip became popular during the 1960s and 1970s. The hotel minibar and an increasing number of commercial flights commercialized the nip bottle. The Hong Kong Hilton and the Madison in Washington DC are believed to be the first hotels to feature one in-room. The minibar made a significant sum of money for Conrad and Co in 1974, mainly from alcoholic beverages (Taylor, 2019). In that year, the sale of alcoholic beverages increased by 500 percent; nips contributed immensely to the sales (Taylor, 2019). Today, nip bottles are more common in airplane flights as they are easily portable and contain only about 50ml of liquor.

Our Approach

- Our Mission

A clean, green, litter-free landscape.

Anyone with eyes can see that Massachusetts is covered in trash. There isn’t a stretch of highway in this state that isn’t littered with some form of plastic. To my surprise, it isn’t just the sides of the major highways that are covered in trash but on side streets, neighborhoods and even right outside our homes. And the most shocking thing of all was that a huge portion of the litter contained nip bottles. In fact, I went on a walk around my neighborhood one day and in less than a mile radius counted over 50 nip bottles. Nip the Nips is about encouraging people to stop purchasing nip bottles, stop littering nip bottles and to use every opportunity to pick up trash and recycling and dispose of it properly. We all possess the ability to create the environment that we want. By acknowledging Massachusetts litter problem we are encouraging a rise to action.


Happy Projects




littered Nips collected

let's clean up wakefield today!